Rolling Steel Bicycles

Our Mission
Remember when you were a kid and you got your first bicycle?
Not a tricycle or the little bike with the training wheels but your first real bike.
It was too big, probably used, maybe your older siblings hand- me-down, but it was your first real freedom! This bike was your first real means of transport aside from Mom and Dad, your first foray into independence. The bicycle meant that you were now unbound by the confines of your street or indeed, your neighbourhood and now you had the means to travel anywhere your whims could take you. This was more than transport, it was art, freedom and independence! The simplest and most elegant of machines was a revelation and was the most important possession a kid could have until, sadly the introduction of the game console.
Harken back to those halcyon days where the bicycle and your imagination could entertain you endlessly, and the byproduct of your fun was a lean body, a clear mind and full lungs.
Your bicycle still holds the freedom, fun and health benefits it first did when you were a kid. It simply needs to be dug out, dusted off, and reintroduced into your life.
Our job here at Rolling Steel Bicycles is to help you find that joy once again by getting that old bike into shape, reimagining your bike to suit you better, or getting you on a completely new ride. Contact us soon and let's get started!
Mark O'Donnell